This is Your Year to Shine

In March 2023, I presented to the revenue organization at Kahua - a software company in the construction management industry - as a guest at their annual sales kickoff conference. One month later, through a stroke of serendipity, I joined Kahua as VP of Sales.

The presentation, titled "This is Your Year to Shine," intended to set the tone for the fiscal year ahead; where ownership, accountability, discipline, execution, and teamwork would deliver big outcomes. Now, I'm privileged to contribute to that mission, and walk the talk.

I published my thoughts days after giving the presentation. They're shared here, and beneath them is a copy of the slides I used.

Farmers that plant corn seeds in the field shouldn't be surprised when, months later, they're able to reap...corn. 🤷🏻‍♂️

That's what was planted.
That's what was cultivated.
That's what is harvested.

As your month, quarter, or fiscal year kicks off, be mindful of what seeds you choose to sow. If, months from now, you're frustrated by the results you're seeing, it's likely the wrong seeds were planted.

This past week in Atlanta, I was invited to speak to the team at Kahua, as part of their SKO.

My talk centered on sowing the right seeds with...

• your relationships and network
• your writing, speaking, and listening
• your values and how they're lived each day
• your brand, integrity, credibility, and rapport
• your ownership, responsibility, and accountability, and...
• your purpose, your why, and who you're becoming.

Healthy crops grow when the simple tasks are done every day, regardless of if the sun shines, the wind blows, or the rain falls.

I've no doubt the Kahua team will reap a bountiful harvest this year. They're tending to the field together.